Sunday, April 17, 2011

...those moments

You know those moments; the ones that stick with you:
Just as the sun is coming up, peaking between trees...
When the fire is warm and the air is crisp...
Crawling in the tent, and zipping up all snug for the night...
When the smell of a camp fire, eggs, bacon, and coffee fill the morning air...
Placing footsteps carefully on the trail and feeling just a touch of earth sliding under your feet...
Turning the bend, and hearing running water...turning the next bend, and finding a gorgeous waterfall...
When the fog is thick and milky...
Watching the sun set...
Resting your head on the back of the chair and watching the clouds glide past the moon...
Lighting the first small twigs, stoking, and building that first fire of the morning...
...and, coming home to a HOT SHOWER!!!! :-)

We left on Friday afternoon. The original plan was to leave early, but the weather was TERRIBLE. So, we arrived hours later than planned. And, we arrived one tent short... ~Walmart run. But, late Friday evening - camp was set. Fire was going. Dinner in the pot: Jambalaya with sausage and shrimp. There are few things better than a dinner cooked on the fire and enjoyed from a camping chair.

Bedtime…cozy…+30 deg mummy bag…money well spent. I was warm and snug…and so mummified that my friend woke up to me missing in the bag, head completely covered. J Once she was convinced I was breathing, off to sleep she went again.

I like being the first to wake up, starting the fire, sitting alone next to the fire, closing my eyes, listening, feeling, breathing, being. It's a treat...a pleasure...a blessing. I like greeting folks with a ‘good morning’ and a smile (but, then again, I like doing that every day…).

I like hiking, trees, leaves, flowers, water, earth…

I like it all – even dodging poison oak, and ticks, and other creepy crawlies…I am invading their home, so I can’t complain about them being there.

Car camping: big super checkmark on that ‘to-do’ list. I hope to do this many more times this summer!

Just a few pics…

First night....
 Home for 2 nights...yes, that is the sun peaking over the tent....LOVELY!
 The girls...ready to hike.
Next 3 pics, a gorgeous waterfall on the trail...

 Sunset over Smith Lake...
 Steaks on the fire...
 Last morning laziness...

Good times!
I have been home for 3 hours. All the camping clothes are washed, the sleeping bag is aired out, and I am ready for bed. Tomorrow, the only signs of camping will be some sore muscles and some itching (poison oak?).

Dear Wilderness, I will visit again soon. Until then, stay beautiful! Love and hugs, Nancy

1 comment:

Unknown said...

It was an amazing trip! We will do it again soon....and I'm so glad you didn't suffocate in the mummy bag! :)