Monday, February 7, 2011

...disorganized and unorderly

WARNING: The following photo may make you cringe.... (it makes me!)

My desk....

At home, I can't leave a piece of mail sitting out on the counter.
I can't leave a dirty glass in the sink.
I can't leave my bathroom items on the counter.
I can't even leave a blanket lying on the couch, it has to be neatly folded and put away.
If I try to overlook any of the above, when I am leaving ...I think to myself: "What if someone came in and saw this mess!!!"
(Never mind the fact that if someone came in, they would be a burglar, and I should not care what they think!)
Craziness - I know.

At work, my desk is a complete disaster.
I do not use my filing cabinet.
I do not use the drawers.
I make messy piles of paper and notes.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed for people to see it.
Really - be honest, it's NOT pretty!
Maybe people think 'hey, she's really really busy...' or (more like it) 'I bet her house is nasty'.
Don't judge house is clean clean clean.

Maybe I should not look around and think some of the things I think...
People who work at a nasty desk should not throw papers balls.
...I crack me up...

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