Tuesday, October 11, 2011

...slipped up

Here's a confession.
I slipped up.
I said a word during a conversation.
It was accidental.
It wasn't nice. 
I corrected myself immediately.
It hit me, 'Nancy, you should not use that word...'

Then today, on another blog - I watched this:

What a timely message.
I am learning.
And, I wish everyone else would learn too.

October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month

...I am aware that I am the ignorant one...

Thursday, October 6, 2011

...life happens

Hey strangers.
Sorry I quit blogging temporarily.
I've been busy...

I went to Cancun.
I ran a bunch.
I worked a whole bunch.
I bought a car.
I took my parents somewhere new (reference the 'to do' list).
I started a new class at church.
I helped a dear friend with a fund raiser.
...and tomorrow, I go camping! :-)

I love being busy!
Promise, I will blog again - I miss it...