but what you don't know is, i pretty much talk every session with my mom too.
every week: 'what's tonight's lesson?'
'what if i moved money here?'
'should i get this or that insurance?'
'how did last night go? were there any good stories that people shared?'
i loaned my cds to her. i have all the classes on audio. i wanted her to hear what dave says for herself.
i then loaned her the book:
(a lot of people have never seen what he looks like)
anyway - the phone rang one morning a couple weeks ago.
mom: 'nancy, dave ramsey saved my life yesterday!'
me: hmm, he's good - but he's not that good.
this should be interesting....
'so, i was laying on the swing at the arbor....'
(pic of my parents back yard for reference. mom included in pic - she would not be happy to know i posted, but oh well - get online mom, then you can complain!!!)
mom continued: '...i was reading the dave ramsey book you loaned me. i could hear a little frog croaking and jumping in and out of the pond. he was having a really good time. then, he got quiet, so i looked up...and a snake was coming up on the deck! i thought about jumping off the back of the swing, but figured i would fall and break something. so the only thing i had...the book...i threw dave ramsey at the snake, i missed - but i scared him. he slithered off into the woods. DAVE RAMSEY SAVED MY LIFE!!! ~you can share that in your class if you want to~'
i haven't laughed so much in long in a while.
and, i know dave would appreciate the story!
the only thing that could have made this better...if it were the Bible she threw, at a snake...think about the humor in that one! ;-)
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