I have known me for 35 years.
I have slept with me every night.
I have grown up with me, cared for me when I am sick, bought me things, wiped my tears....so, you'd think I know me pretty well.
I am having an identity crisis.
I am changing my name, back to my maiden.
It took me a while to gain the courage to do this. And, after a trip to the Social Security office back in December (where I was TURNED AWAY) - the courage left me.
It again took me a while to get there.
I am ready now.
Really, I am.
This week, I went to my lawyers office...not once, not twice - but three times.
Joy! (sensing sarcasm?)
They needed some forms signed, and my birth certificate, and my drivers license, and (you guessed it) money. And then, after all that - the lovely courthouse says that background checks through the sheriffs office are now required.
(Do I look like a criminal? Really... )
(friends, don't answer... ;-) )
This whole process really is messed up.
So, I am tired.
AND - after the courthouse approves my new (old) name...I get to go back to the Social Security office, DMV, banks, insurance agents, utilities, other financial institutions, and ... my work ... to start the name change process there.
There should be a special clause that if you are changing your name back to your maiden name, you don't have to endure the idiocracy of being presumed guilty until proven innocent!!!
(When I rule the world, I'll change this rule...)
At any rate, when ALL OF THE ABOVE is done - I then get the awkward pleasure of re-introducing myself under my maiden name. I will get puzzled looks from some. And, I am bracing myself for an occasional 'ohhh, congratulations...did you get married?' - but even more likely, I'll get 'ohhh, I'm so sorry.'
So, who am I?
Today, I am still shaken.
I am still going through a process.
Not sure what phase I am in....
But, lets reorder the above question...this is much more important:
Who I am...

I am me.
I believe in God.
I care about people.
I am passionate and driven.
I love fun.
I desire hard work.
I strive to be nice.
I smile a lot, laugh a lot, and hug a lot.
I am so much more...
I have only begun to scratch the surface...of knowing me.