Really, I am.
Yea - it gets dark sometimes.
Yea - some grey is creeping in.
But - I am blond.
I'm not complaining.
Since 'they' say that 'blonds have more fun' and apparently I have totally missed the boat on that one, I'll give this brunette gig a go.
Mom went with me today to my hair appointment.
She has never done this before.
It was nice to have her there.
We all talked and laughed - and I sat there looking goofy with foil in my hair.
I had my eyebrows waxed, which always leaves my eyes pink, pink, pink and swollen. I look like I've been beaten. Really, I am a horrific site.
So I sit there for the better part of two hours.
And then, that moment...the moment where they swing the chair around and you see yourself in the mirror with your new 'do.

Well, I was a little shocked.
'Wow, it's BROWN...' - it was the nicest thing I could say...
(Mom said she was so thankful that I didn't ask her how it looked before I saw it. She is very honest and does not sugarcoat the truth.)
The truth is - it's NOT what I wanted.
But, the truth also is - I REALLY don't care.
~it's just hair, and there are more important things in life~
So, I'll rock the
you be the judge...
(wow, those are bags under my eyes...more lost sleep is not helping eh?)
In other news...I got crafty the other night!
Amy J from 'One Day at a Time' invite some girls over...
If you check out her blog, you will see blond Nancy.
(IGNORE the goofy faces I was making. And the wrinkled forehead...I am indeed starting to age.)
But - do not ignore my craftiness!
What do you think?
Not too shabby eh?
Maybe, if I make/sell enough of these I can afford to have my hair fixed soon.
...taking orders now...
...please, buy!...'s for a good cause...
If I stand outside the stores and bug people like those girl with the cookies, maybe I can also get a massage and a micro-derm-abrasion face peel treatment thingy (I don't even know how to spell it but you know what I am talking about). Oh, and my teeth whitened. And - well throw in some lypo and a new set of female assests.
After reading my own post tonight - I am in serious need of a brain transplant too!
(officially marking 'make something crafty' off the to-do list...)
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