And the Bradford Pear trees.
And - just about everything else.

I am seriously suprised my sinuses aren't acting up yet.
(*Dear God, sinus/allergy trouble this year...)
Visited again at Asbury today.
The sermon: Personal Ministry.
...acting on what God has called us to do...
...even when it's not easy...
...even when, in fact, it is very hard...
...stepping out - to follow - to witness - to be the one He created you to be...
Wow - who amongst us is strong enough?
I like to think of myself as having grown in my Christian faith this past year.
I like to feel like I am good, and whole, and strong.
But, when I think of the disciples - giving all - walking away to follow ...I am but nothing.
Truth is, faith is a tricky thing.
Easy to say - hard to back up.
I have faith - yet I struggle.
(...don't judge...tell the do too...)
Maybe the secret is always admitting you have work to do.
NO ONE amongst us is perfect.
We all walk a line.
Maybe it's all about the desire to move forward, to be more, to admit imperfection and strive. For better. For the potential of pleasing God.
Spring is here.
With it brings new life.
I need new life.
It's within me, I feel it.
I struggle - I admit.
But this gives me hope.
It is out of my control.
It's not in my hands....I now know this.
(beautiful song, I hope you listen...absorb...)
Last week closed a chapter for me.
A big one.
I need to refocus.
Pray for me friends.
And, pray for our friends in Japan.
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