Funky funk..
Funkity funk...
I'm not talking about the 'cool' funk...
I'm talking about the 'cloud over your head' funk...
That's me.
I am down.
With no good reason.
Down, just to be down.
This is not like me.
I am the up girl.
The one with the smile.
The one that - well, makes others smile...
So, what's the problem?
I can't pinpoint it.
I know I am so very blessed.
Positive things lately...
- Great friends
- Great family
- Great times
People love me, and I know it. (I hope that doesn't sound bad or vein. I don't mean it like that).
Life is good, and I know it.
And, I figured out tonight - oh yes, I can bake bread from scratch!
So...what's missing?
Let me refocus.
Let me find all the great amongst my want to complain.
Lord, let me be the one you created me to be.
There is more to me, I know...
Reveal more of Your plan. Please.
But it if is not time...let me be thankful for today.
Because today, will lead to tomorrow.
And tomorrow, will be GREAT - I can feel it. :-)
Remember January's 'To-Do' List?

See's where I am...
Run another ½ marathon - THIS WEEKEND!!!!! Louisville, here I come!
Ski – water or snow - Getting'll be water skiing now, snow skiing weather is over.
Finish reading the Bible - Need focus here...big time. :-(
Forgive myself - Working on this, getting closer....
Run my toes in the sand - Beach countdown is at ~3 weeks!!!!
Take my parents somewhere new - Mom and Dad came to Church with me for Easter. I am going to count this as somewhere new, but I want to leave this one open. I want to do more with them in the coming months.
Thanks for reading.
And thanks for caring.
I blog.
It helps me.
It keeps me accountable.
To myself.'s all about me!
So, a song for help me remember, 'in the middle of my littleness, I forgot how big I'm blessed'...