Wednesday, April 20, 2011

...give me a tool and stand back

Have I ever mention, I LOVE hard work?
I am starting to think I am a very weird girl....
(math, nerdy, Dave Ramsey, gym, running, camping, work, .... quick - someone, give me some nail polish and eye liner...)

Anyways...tonight I had the opportunity to demo some kitchen countertops!
OOOOH yes!
(and my price: a pork chop, some veggies, and rice... I need to work up an invoice...)

My friend is re-doing her kitchen, and I have been telling her for ages to let me know when she needs help. I love this kind of stuff. I think she was reluctant. I think that she thought I was just being kind by offering. But, I mean it...I enjoy it so much. :-)

Some quick with counters:
 Ignore the gym clothes...but don't ignore my head lamp! This is the MOST AWESOME accessory EVER for working. It's not just for camping friends. With this baby, you don't have to awkwardly try to pin a flashlight between your head and shoulder. No more neck cramps!
Demo in progress:
 Woo hoo...counters gone on one side of the kitchen...
 Other side, another story. Thanks contractors for using liquid nails to glue the side peices on. That was AWESOME to remove....
 So awesome that (ooops) the drywall came off with it. Ugh. PLEASE, granite guys, bring a backsplash with you.... a full day, go to the gym, dinner and demo! Nice day. I earned my sleep tonight...

Good night friends.
Call me when you work, I mean it...and, I'm not even a picky eater. Geez...I am a deal!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love you crazy demo girl!!!! :)