Create a journal of things you are grateful for.
Nice thought.
Makes one focus on the positive! we go, quick thoughts
- Family that loves me (and they do not pry in my personal life)!
- Friends that love me (and they check on me regularly)!
- Hugs.
- Great health.
- Good job.
- Friends from work...awesome people.
- Strong soul.
- Strong mind.
- Strong body.
- take on new challenges.
- Need to set goals and see them through.
- Lack of fear.
- Ability to care for others, sincerely.
- Laughter.
- Tears.
- Continuing to learn.
- Sun, rain, cold and warmth.
- Ability to provide for myself.
- HOPE! :-)
- easy it was to write 20 things... (so much more on my mind!)
Still reading 'What Happened to My Life'.
Finished the January chapter of 'The Happiness Project'. January = more sleep, more exercise, better diet, and organization. Ummmmm, I will tackle that first one tonight! :-)