Monday, January 31, 2011

...a gratitude journal

I heard an idea on the radio.
Create a journal of things you are grateful for.
Nice thought.
Makes one focus on the positive! we go, quick thoughts
  1. Family that loves me (and they do not pry in my personal life)!
  2. Friends that love me (and they check on me regularly)!
  3. Hugs.
  4. Great health.
  5. Good job.
  6. Friends from work...awesome people.
  7. Strong soul.
  8. Strong mind.
  9. Strong body.
  10. take on new challenges. 
  11. Need to set goals and see them through.
  12. Lack of fear.
  13. Ability to care for others, sincerely.
  14. Laughter.
  15. Tears.
  16. Continuing to learn.
  17. Sun, rain, cold and warmth.
  18. Ability to provide for myself.
  19. HOPE! :-)
  20. easy it was to write 20 things... (so much more on my mind!)
...bed time for this old girl.
Still reading 'What Happened to My Life'.
Finished the January chapter of 'The Happiness Project'. January = more sleep, more exercise, better diet, and organization. Ummmmm, I will tackle that first one tonight! :-)

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