Monday, February 28, 2011

...this ain't no chef boyardee

i got skills...
mad skills...
and a shiny new pasta maker!
a little flour.
an egg.



...can't get that dang last picture to center
deal with it
i don't have blog skills

i had already eaten
but i put a little butter on the noodles and gave them a try
they were plain
but good

if i get really good at this - i am going to have to run more and exercise more, else i'll be buying new clothes cause i'll have too much junk in the trunk!

friends...get ready. oh yeah...

checking this one off the to-do list!
(i can almost do a pull up....)

Sunday, February 27, 2011

...tell me a story

today at church...
there was a story teller.
she was very good/comical/and drove home an important message:

everyone has a story - that makes them who they are - and you do not know there story - so be loving and understanding...and get to know folks. relationships are the most important and valuable things we have.

we are all so much the same - and at the core we have the same needs.

this message, talked specifically to me - my life

i sat and listened
i laughed at the appropriate times
i absorbed
i had a moment
i was sitting between two dear friends - and i thought about our relationships with each other
overwhelming blessing

...some lovely relationship quotes...just cause i dig quotes:
  • Piglet sidled up to Pooh from behind.  "Pooh!" he whispered.  "Yes, Piglet?"  "Nothing," said Piglet, taking Pooh's paw.  "I just wanted to be sure of you." 
  • "Let us be grateful to people who make us happy, they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom."
  • "Some people come into our lives and quickly go.  Some stay for a while, leave footprints on our hearts, and we are never, ever the same."
  • "It is of practical value to learn to like yourself. Since you must spend so much time with yourself you might as well get some satisfaction out of the relationship."

...gypsy girl

I have moved a the past 10yrs.
starting in 2001:
  • to an apartment
  • apartment to house
  • house to apartment
  • apartment to ..well, homeless for a bit (thanks to two diff friends for putting me up!)
  • homeless to house
  • house to apartment
I am tired.
My last move, back in June., I had to go back to that last house and finish picking up my stuff...
Tough day.
But, I'm okay.

I do, however, feel like a gypsy.
I am considering buying something fitting of a gypsy.
Is it some super cute and colorful garb?
Or, a bunch of gemstone rings?
Ooooh, or some gold coin belt?
...or some of those finger symbols...those are awesome!

Nah - what I need is a stable residence.
I need to buy a gypsy wagon!
I could pull it all over town...and stay somewhere new all the time.
...and NEVER have to really move my stuff!
I like this plan.
(it's like an old school Cousin Eddie!)

Friends, I could have a painting party to decorate my wagon.
And, maybe I'll get some horses to pull it - I can't roll with a minivan like that one in the above picture (not my style).

Anyways - I am on a music kick lately. So I googled 'gypsy song'...
I don't like Shakira - but she screams gypsy...and well, this video is super sexy.
Makes me wonder if all gypsies end up with hotties?
Enjoy the show...
(where do they sell that black mesh material?)

Friday, February 25, 2011

...two girls and a power tool

As a woman, there is something empowering about doing some real work.
You know, the type you typically assume the man would do.
Like, for a random example: installing a vent hood in a friends kitchen.
(never mind the point we almost electrocuted ourselves...we'll overlook that small oversight)
(note to self: always check...always... always - electricity is nothing to play with. it will take your life and make no apologies...)

After work, and after a nice run...we had dinner - and got to work.
She is re-doing her kitchen.
It is almost done.
It looks fabulous.

I was the official 'holder upper'. Yes, I used my head too...and stood on my tippy toes...and was stretched across the stove. And, I held the flashlight (a skill I have been working on for 29+ years). I miss doing 'house work'. She ran the power drill. Maybe it took a little longer than it should have. And, maybe we had to redneck engineer it a little - but we did it.  ~Who needs a man? (I'll stick to my saying I have always had...I want to be with someone because I WANT them; not because I NEED them.)


After: me, I work for cheap - dinner is all it takes!

I have another song for you...I am digging Superchick:
(this one makes me think of folks we have lost, that we are not promised tomorrow, and how we should live daily...)

good song huh?
live, love, forgive, never give up... good words to live by!

Wednesday, February 23, 2011 is my favorite day

so it started last summer...
my dear friend and i follow a blog - and she wrote 'today is my favorite day' (along with a beautifully written, well thought out, rambling of consciousness that is so her - i drool over her writing skills...).
we stole it...shamelessly.
we used it on FB when we were having a really good beach day.
and, so, now,  we use it from time to time.

am i at the beach right now???
ummm - NO (sadly).
...pic from Sept beach trip, Florida...

but i am entitled to have another 'favorite day'.
today, is that day. :-)

small victories of the day:
usual BS meeting at work - went smoothly
presenting something at a meeting - went smoothly
i got to vent to someone...and they listened to me, and sympathized (RARE)
submitted some work for baselining - check! off the to-do list...and, i love getting the real stuff done!
went bowling with several folks on my team...super big check mark.
(i felt FUNNESS - is that a word?)

dinner at my office-mate's house: red beans and rice + deviled eggs...
i love both

then, dave ramsey class....
yes, we are in week 7 - ummm 'insurance week' - complete snoozer...
BUT, my class SPOKE UP
folks had a lot to share
and one couple...well, they CUT UP A CREDIT CARD!
i felt so happy for them
i feel my class 'getting it' and building momentum toward a debt free life!
am i a really big part of
but, i feel the smallest bit of joy in the fact that i volunteered to lead this class.
i gain off their victories.

so, simple 'no big deal' day...
but, it was awe-some-ness!
i needed it.
thank you God! :-)

PS - i hope to have many many more favorite days...
PSS - God, please and thank you!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

...adventures at church

sunday, a friend and i visited a new church...
start adventure...

we couldn't find a parking spot.
we didn't know what door to walk in.
we followed the crowd.......straight in to the sunday school classroom area.
did i mention, sunday school is downstairs?

~mental account of what happened~
ummm, keep walking.
act like you know where you are going.
ahhh, stairs, yes...this has to be the right way.
uh oh - long dark hall way.
i don't think we are supposed to be here.
doors! yeah!!!!
peek through the tiny glass windows (yes, hands cupped - but nose not quit pressed to the glass)...
OH NO, we are going to enter to the right of the stage.
...go, go, go... take the first available seat - 3rd row.
whew, seated.
look over shoulder and 'umm, we are in the youth section!!!!'
her: 'do you want to move to another row when we stand up for the music?'
me: 'nah, let's stay put.'

it ended up being such a blessing, sitting with the teenagers - that were actually there to worship!
they sang loudly...and knew the words.
they clapped their hands.
they we up during the alter call.
they listened intently.
they were there for the right reason!!!!

i sincerely enjoyed my experience.
thanks Asbury:

if you ever see me wandering around a sunday school class, please point me in the right direction!!!

Sunday, February 20, 2011

...working on the to-do list

I bought a toy...
Prime Pacific Stainless Steel Pasta Machine
Yes, I can picture myself cranking out fabulous pasta. Me in a flour coated apron. Friends enjoying music and appetizers. Everyone smiling. Wine. I'm a dork...but it sounds lovely to me!

What I can not making the noodles by hand. I remember a Sesame Street video on this from when I was really really young. It's crazy how some things stick in your mind. I was mesmerized watching. Since that video - I have always wanted to make pasta.... If you've never seen how this is done, check it out:

Maybe I should practice spaghetti by hand - now that would be a show that would make my friends smile!

Friday, February 18, 2011

...dinner for two (for one)

Tonight was Nancy Night...
Long week.
Work issues.
And, I didn't really feel all that well this week. Felt crappy on Monday - and on Friday...

So, I made the call - I was going to treat myself tonight.
Bubble Bath.
Good dinner.....

The menu:
Salad with Pear Gorgonzola Vinaigrette dressing
Roasted Red Pepper, Spinach, and Swiss Cheese Beef Pinwheel
Roasted Asparagus
Rigatoni with Spicy Tomato and Red Pepper Sauce

Don't be impressed...
The pinwheel - Target meat dept.
The sauce for the rigatoni, out of a jar.
Pear dressing - bottle...
And, I do not do dessert. No desire for it.
I still have a box of Godiva Choc. in my pantry from my last date *pre-new years eve...I haven't opened.

Dinner was good! I cooked enough for two. I always do...I can't cook for one. It's not in my skill set. So, I have leftovers. To bad, I have to eat this again....

...will be nice when I have someone to share Nancy Night with...but then, it wouldn't be Nancy Night. This is a tradition I would like to keep. Sometimes, you just have to treat yourself. And have peace and quiet. And, well - take a nap at 5pm, bathe - and put on some old comfy pjs and eat dinner under the Mickey Mouse blanket. What? Is that just me? Oops, my bad....

Other news, I found the Nancy anthymn of the day...
Love me some rockin' Christian music - and strong lyrics - and, a song that relates to me...
Listen...hope you like...if you don't - oh well, it's for me! :-)
And, HELLO - a band named Superchick...well, enough said...

We are now closer to March. Spring abounds! Bring it...

...those creative juices

Last night...I painted!
It's been a long time since I have gone to a painting class.
I jumped on the chance to meet a friend there. :-)

So... We talked, caught up, painted... Ya' know, the typical night.
I think I did ok.
I am no artist!
BUT, I decided to hang this - plus, all my (just okay) paintings in my bathroom.
Do I think I am great?
HECK no!
But, it is MY bathroom. And, I can. And, well... I want to!

Painting makes me happy...
(too bad it looks like a kindergartner!)

Other news:
I finished February's reading in "The Happiness Project".
I'll give you one guess what Feb. was about....
How to stay in love. How to give appreciation (and not expect it in return). How to fight fair.
I put that book down....

Started a new one - thanks for the borrow AJ; I'll try to not keep it for 2 years...
Amazon description: "God is love. Crazy, relentless, all-powerful love. Have you ever wondered if we’re missing it? It’s crazy, if you think about it. The God of the universe—the Creator of nitrogen and pine needles, galaxies and E-minor—loves us with a radical, unconditional, self-sacrificing love. And what is our typical response? We go to church, sing songs, and try not to cuss. Whether you’ve verbalized it yet or not...we all know somethings wrong. Does something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to religious complacency isn’t working harder at a list of do’s and don’ts—it’s falling in love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never be the same. Because when you’re wildly in love with someone, it changes everything."

Tuesday, February 15, 2011 can quote me on that

Quote board at work:

You ever just listen to others talk?
Funny stuff...
Tune in, sometimes it's worth it!
The quote board at's random. Some are work related; some are not. No one is's anonymous.

I read lots of quotes.
For inspiration.
For thought.
Ooooh, Proverbs...
It makes me happy. :-)

Sometimes I say stupid things, just to see if others are listening.
I watch for a little smile.
Or some indication of active brain waves.
Or, a grimace...which means that obviously they have no sense of humor!
And yes - you can quote me on that...

Monday, February 14, 2011

...never go home empty handed

So - I'll say the PC version: "happy valentine's day"...
First 'alone' v'day in years...
In fact, only second 'alone' v'day in Eeeeh 20 years...

Tonight was an anti-v'day party.
6 girls.
Fabulous food.
Jello shots.
And, a heart shaped piñata!

Props to one of my girls for going 'tribal' on the piñata. (once she knocked it off the hook, she proceeded to stab it while it was helpless on the ground! - precious!)

Anyways, I didn't feel lonely.
I was loved, hugged, validated... (still feel that need...)

AND, I came home with half a bag of piñata candy. Work friends will be so happpy! foot in front of the other

Yesterday we ran 6 miles.
But this post isn't about that.

Saturday, I signed a contract to sell the house.
But this post isn't about that either.

This post is about moving on, moving forward, and sometimes - things just keeping moving and doing your best to hang on... You have to keep stride.

I feel like this pic.
Stepping from one platform to another.
Last year - to this year.
I hope I have the tools and have equip myself properly to succeed in my new chapter!
I don't want to slip through the cracks. I want to leap, hell - FLY (I used to dream that I could fly...).

People have a said a lot to me this year.
I get advice, feedback, support... the overall theme has been 'you are so strong'.
I don't feel it, and yet - I do.
How on earth do you know you'll handle the tough stuff until it hits you?
The answer is - you don't.
You just keep one foot in front of the other.
You breathe.
You eat, sleep, and get dressed every morning.
Can I say I handle things perfectly? Well, no. I do the best I can with what I have at the moment.

Is reflecting bad?
Can you move forward while you are looking back?

I heard an analogy once:
“Do you know why a car’s WINDSHIELD is so large and the rear view mirror is so small? Because our PAST is not as important as our FUTURE. So, look ahead and move on.”

...I need to look forward and not have a wreck!...

Saturday, February 12, 2011

...word of the year

There is a blog that I follow.
Precious family.
Amazing woman.
Check it out:

A few days ago. She had a post:
"What is your word of the year? Taking everything you learned last year and using it to fuel this next one, what word represents how you will go about the joys and challenges of this year? "

Hmmm - last year was the most challenging of my life. I had the longest year full of difficult times, hard decisions, tears, pain, medical issues, strings of emotions that I didn't know how to deal with; last year THREW ME FOR A LOOP. Despite the miserable times, I did experience several new and phenomenal things: a pure spiritual awakening, sincere friendship, and growth. Last year was eye opening. I now feel like a grown up.

Quick story...a dear friend and I go to church together. This year I needed church and her more than anything else. She came through. Week after week. We sat together...and I cried all through prayer time. I said my prayers, in my head, and hot tears would stream down my face. She would dig in her purse and hand me a tissue. She never asked. I never told. She was there and that was all I needed. Part of my prayer was to thank God for such a loving friend. (Crying now thinking about it...). I don't cry nearly as much now. But, last week in church - she brought her new boyfriend. They held hands during the service. And, a happy tear bubbled up in my eye. I thanked God again for her, and prayed this guy will know and appreciate what a special person she is. word of the year...I chose:

Nancy on January 1, 2010 and Nancy on December 31, 2010 are drastically different.
I am grown now.
I love deeper.
I want more.
I put things in perspective.
I value what is really important.
I do not judge or lay blame.
I smile more.
I hug more.
I crave making others smile.
I am stronger than I ever imagined.
I am weaker than I ever imagined.
I lost and gained confidence in me.
I complain less.
I met the real me this year, and I think I like her!
(~well, she has her days...)

Take 2 minutes to reflect on 2010...what is your word?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

...midnight snack (peppers and chicken)

The return of insomnia....
Well, is it really insomnia if you can fall asleep, you just can't stay asleep?

Events of last night:
go to bed at ~10pm
wake up at ~2am
...pleaseeeeee nancy, go back to sleep
no....don't get up to go pee
dang it. get up.
thirsty - kitchen/water/now i am wide awake
not comfy: rotate
every inch of my body feels like it is itchy
is something crawling in my hair?
...nancy, do not pick up the iphone and check email!
song pops in my head:

what? why the peppers? ...ugh. good song though!
ok, maybe i'll just check my mail for a second. i mean, it did snow - maybe work is delayed!
YES - 2 hr delay!!!! now i am REALLY wide awake
turn off alarm - was set for 6:30
is this what a rotisserie chicken feels like?
now i'm hungry: peppers AND chicken!
i should not have drank that water...

i fall asleep at some point, around 4am.
no alarm.
i wake up at 6:31

if you don't think i'm a lunatic by now, what's it going to take?????

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

...the 'n' word

I have a hard time with the 'n' word.
I rarely say it.
Don't get me wrong - I would LOVE to be able to say it.
Sometimes I leave a conversation and wonder 'why in the world did I just not say the 'n' word???'.
Maybe I should practice saying it in front of the mirror.

Instead, I say the 'y' word...
...and that usually creates lots of work for me.

The 'n' word is 'no'...
...and, I'm a 'yes' girl.
(Really people, what did you think I was talking about? ...geez)

I have many forms of yes, differing in degrees of sincerity:
I would love to
Well, if you think its a good idea
Umm, maybe (my 'maybe' means yes usually...)

The recent dilemma:
Wanting to say 'y', but having to say 'n' for various reasons.
Makes me want to say 'f' it!
(ahhhh, another one you will rarely hear from me....)

Monday, February 7, 2011

...disorganized and unorderly

WARNING: The following photo may make you cringe.... (it makes me!)

My desk....

At home, I can't leave a piece of mail sitting out on the counter.
I can't leave a dirty glass in the sink.
I can't leave my bathroom items on the counter.
I can't even leave a blanket lying on the couch, it has to be neatly folded and put away.
If I try to overlook any of the above, when I am leaving ...I think to myself: "What if someone came in and saw this mess!!!"
(Never mind the fact that if someone came in, they would be a burglar, and I should not care what they think!)
Craziness - I know.

At work, my desk is a complete disaster.
I do not use my filing cabinet.
I do not use the drawers.
I make messy piles of paper and notes.

Sometimes I feel embarrassed for people to see it.
Really - be honest, it's NOT pretty!
Maybe people think 'hey, she's really really busy...' or (more like it) 'I bet her house is nasty'.
Don't judge house is clean clean clean.

Maybe I should not look around and think some of the things I think...
People who work at a nasty desk should not throw papers balls.
...I crack me up...

Saturday, February 5, 2011

...(wanna-be) runner girl

I dabble in running, but I am no runner!
It sucks.
It hurts.
But, when it's's GREAT!

Today's plan....9am....greenway in Madison...goal = 6 miles...4 friends.
I slept in (for me)...I was tired...I was dragging in getting ready - lacking motivation.
It was snowing. :-(
It was COLD and windy....
I almost 'pulled the plug'.
But, I sent a text to my friends and they PUMPED ME UP. No one wanted to give in...everyone wanted to run. And, well, I didn't want to be the wuss. So, I went. And, I ran. And....I am so very glad I did!
We ran.
We talked.
We laughed.
We blew our runny, cold noses.
And, we did it! We exceeded it...I think we ended at about 6.5 miles.
(and then, I ate pizza....)

Next 1/2 marathon...BRING IT! You're going down.... (I talk all arrogant, I just hope to survive it!)

Next Sunday - 2/13 we are all registered for the Winter Winds run in Huntsville. It's a 2 miler at 2pm and a 4 miler at 2:30pm. We all registered for BOTH! :-)

Friday, February 4, 2011


I am a COOL nerd!

I can make people laugh.
I can make them cry too...happy tears.
I can laugh at myself!
And, I also shed many a happy tear.

I know the lyrics to a lot of cool songs, like this one:

(are you laughing? laughing until you are crying? should be!)

...wait, that song does not make me cool.
I might have to work on my 'cool' list some more!

Now I just sound like a dork. Lovely.


Wednesday, February 2, 2011

...i am a nerd

I confess.
Numbers are my friend.
They intrigue me.
I like to manipulate them.

I jumped at the chance to help a friend with her grad-school statistics homework last night.
Variance...coefficient of variation....sample size and population...mean, mode, median, and averages...
It started coming back - slowly.
I would have been a stats major if UAH had offered it!

And...well, I facilitate a Dave Ramsey class at church.
Tonight was the 'Dumping Debt' lesson.
Snowball baby!
Interesting statement of the night: a millionaire can't tell you what is on TV, but SHE can tell you where all her money is (...had to make my example feminine!).
You have to A) understand numbers and B) make them behave to your benefit and C) apply discipline.
Sounds easy, huh?
...I'll let you know when I am a millionaire! ;-)

I think I have a sickness.
Math is fun.
Maybe I'm in the wrong field.

Logic appeals to me.
I require order.
It makes sense and makes me comfortable.
If I do this...the result is that...
Life does not behave in this manner.
Where's the equation for happiness?
~enter google~

(...not crazy about money being an equal factor w/internal fulfillment and relationships...)

( this one much better, but feeling accepted or respected can be hard to acquire - and shouldn't you just 'feel' those things if you have the right relationships with the right people?...)

(...this is cool, unless your expectations exceed your reality...a negative return would = unhappiness!...)

( stinking funny, this happiness would end up being empty - however, your belly would not!...)
(...ahhhh, perfect - this picture makes me happy. happiness has no equation!...)

Thanks for humoring this nerd...

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

...because i need balance

Things I am NOT grateful for (no particular order):
(if you know me, you know this list is not easy...)

  • Stupid people
  • Folks who drive the wrong way in the parking lot
  • Calories and fat grams
  • Never knowing where I stand with someone
  • Lack of sleep
  • Never measuring up to my own standards
  • Rain and wind - it was a bad weather day in Alabama
  • Not being able to accomplish all I need to accomplish in 1 day
  • Lack of funds...why can't I be a princess?
  • Scary health situations of loved ones
  • People who judge
  • Celery
  • Pressure at work
  • Mundane tasks
  • An empty bottle of wine....just sayin'
  • Friends who are sick right now :-(
  • Shoes that hurt, but are cute...
  • The check engine light on my car
  • Lack of....well, I don't know - lack of 'not knowing'...
BUT, the number 1 thing I neglected to be grateful for in the last post:
The love, guidance, strength, wisdom, honor, and salvation found through Jesus Christ!

All those things in the above list, are bearable because I know that I have the one and only behind me. Big love! Bigger than imaginable! And, all things are possible (even dealing with those stupid people....and painful shoes...but I draw the line at eating celery...)

Wow, it's February. Already? sigh....
Ground Hog's Day is tomorrow...more winter? ready for spring?
Either way, I won't complain!  (NOT in my control so why worry about it?).

hugs, love, and g'night!