sunday, a friend and i visited a new church...
start adventure...

we couldn't find a parking spot.
we didn't know what door to walk in.
we followed the crowd.......straight in to the sunday school classroom area.
did i mention, sunday school is downstairs?
~mental account of what happened~
ummm, keep walking.
act like you know where you are going.
ahhh, stairs, yes...this has to be the right way.
uh oh - long dark hall way.
i don't think we are supposed to be here.
doors! yeah!!!!
peek through the tiny glass windows (yes, hands cupped - but nose not quit pressed to the glass)...
OH NO, we are going to enter to the right of the stage.
...go, go, go... take the first available seat - 3rd row.
whew, seated.
look over shoulder and 'umm, we are in the youth section!!!!'
her: 'do you want to move to another row when we stand up for the music?'
me: 'nah, let's stay put.'
it ended up being such a blessing, sitting with the teenagers - that were actually there to worship!
they sang loudly...and knew the words.
they clapped their hands.
they we up during the alter call.
they listened intently.
they were there for the right reason!!!!
i sincerely enjoyed my experience.
thanks Asbury:
if you ever see me wandering around a sunday school class, please point me in the right direction!!!