Friday, February 25, 2011

...two girls and a power tool

As a woman, there is something empowering about doing some real work.
You know, the type you typically assume the man would do.
Like, for a random example: installing a vent hood in a friends kitchen.
(never mind the point we almost electrocuted ourselves...we'll overlook that small oversight)
(note to self: always check...always... always - electricity is nothing to play with. it will take your life and make no apologies...)

After work, and after a nice run...we had dinner - and got to work.
She is re-doing her kitchen.
It is almost done.
It looks fabulous.

I was the official 'holder upper'. Yes, I used my head too...and stood on my tippy toes...and was stretched across the stove. And, I held the flashlight (a skill I have been working on for 29+ years). I miss doing 'house work'. She ran the power drill. Maybe it took a little longer than it should have. And, maybe we had to redneck engineer it a little - but we did it.  ~Who needs a man? (I'll stick to my saying I have always had...I want to be with someone because I WANT them; not because I NEED them.)


After: me, I work for cheap - dinner is all it takes!

I have another song for you...I am digging Superchick:
(this one makes me think of folks we have lost, that we are not promised tomorrow, and how we should live daily...)

good song huh?
live, love, forgive, never give up... good words to live by!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You are such an awesome holder upper!!! :) thank you!
