Precious family.
Amazing woman.
Check it out:
A few days ago. She had a post:
"What is your word of the year? Taking everything you learned last year and using it to fuel this next one, what word represents how you will go about the joys and challenges of this year? "
Hmmm - last year was the most challenging of my life. I had the longest year full of difficult times, hard decisions, tears, pain, medical issues, strings of emotions that I didn't know how to deal with; last year THREW ME FOR A LOOP. Despite the miserable times, I did experience several new and phenomenal things: a pure spiritual awakening, sincere friendship, and growth. Last year was eye opening. I now feel like a grown up.
Quick story...a dear friend and I go to church together. This year I needed church and her more than anything else. She came through. Week after week. We sat together...and I cried all through prayer time. I said my prayers, in my head, and hot tears would stream down my face. She would dig in her purse and hand me a tissue. She never asked. I never told. She was there and that was all I needed. Part of my prayer was to thank God for such a loving friend. (Crying now thinking about it...). I don't cry nearly as much now. But, last week in church - she brought her new boyfriend. They held hands during the service. And, a happy tear bubbled up in my eye. I thanked God again for her, and prayed this guy will know and appreciate what a special person she is. word of the year...I chose:

Nancy on January 1, 2010 and Nancy on December 31, 2010 are drastically different.
I am grown now.
I love deeper.
I want more.
I put things in perspective.
I value what is really important.
I do not judge or lay blame.
I smile more.
I hug more.
I crave making others smile.
I am stronger than I ever imagined.
I am weaker than I ever imagined.
I lost and gained confidence in me.
I complain less.
I met the real me this year, and I think I like her!
(~well, she has her days...)
Take 2 minutes to reflect on 2010...what is your word?
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