Wednesday, February 2, 2011

...i am a nerd

I confess.
Numbers are my friend.
They intrigue me.
I like to manipulate them.

I jumped at the chance to help a friend with her grad-school statistics homework last night.
Variance...coefficient of variation....sample size and population...mean, mode, median, and averages...
It started coming back - slowly.
I would have been a stats major if UAH had offered it!

And...well, I facilitate a Dave Ramsey class at church.
Tonight was the 'Dumping Debt' lesson.
Snowball baby!
Interesting statement of the night: a millionaire can't tell you what is on TV, but SHE can tell you where all her money is (...had to make my example feminine!).
You have to A) understand numbers and B) make them behave to your benefit and C) apply discipline.
Sounds easy, huh?
...I'll let you know when I am a millionaire! ;-)

I think I have a sickness.
Math is fun.
Maybe I'm in the wrong field.

Logic appeals to me.
I require order.
It makes sense and makes me comfortable.
If I do this...the result is that...
Life does not behave in this manner.
Where's the equation for happiness?
~enter google~

(...not crazy about money being an equal factor w/internal fulfillment and relationships...)

( this one much better, but feeling accepted or respected can be hard to acquire - and shouldn't you just 'feel' those things if you have the right relationships with the right people?...)

(...this is cool, unless your expectations exceed your reality...a negative return would = unhappiness!...)

( stinking funny, this happiness would end up being empty - however, your belly would not!...)
(...ahhhh, perfect - this picture makes me happy. happiness has no equation!...)

Thanks for humoring this nerd...

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