It's pretty... :-)

I rode it today...for 16 miles.
I also swam for 400 yards and ran for 3 miles.
It was a good day!
The day started early: 'meet at the pool at 7am'. I was awake and good to go, but once in the pool - my heart wasn't in it. I struggled...and it didn't help that some old man told me I was in the 'free swim' lane and I would have to move to a 'lap swim' lane. Urg. Really? All the other lanes already had 2 people on them. We decided that we could share the lane. He would play on one side and I would lap on the other. He later found out that he was wrong...the lane was for lap swimming until 8:15. He apologized, and told me a few jokes. I like old men. They are funny (at least they crack them selves up, which cracks me up!). "Why was the skeleton afraid to cross the street? :::: because he had no guts!" :-)
Then, we mounted our bikes. Off on an adventure. Five girls in a single file. We passed a jogger who shouted out "that looks like more fun than a girls night out!". Hmmm, yes - I have to agree. What a great time... We rode down the road to a greenway, down to the river and back. Round trip - 16 miles. I figured out, having a nice bike really doesn't matter so much. I was still slower than the rest. Not as slow as I have been in the past, but slow nonetheless. Biking is going to be like running, it will take me a while to improve. I'm not very athletic, I just keep moving and some day it gets better.
Lastly - run time. I am much improved here. No longer do I do intervals. I now 'slog' (to steal a term from a cousin of mine ::: slog = slow jog!). I slogged for 3 miles straight. My legs were heavy at first from the biking, but they kept moving. We went through a neighborhood that I had never been through before. The houses and lawns were well kept, lots of pretty flowers, and people were sitting on front porches drinking coffee. I waved, they waved. I want to live on a street like that someday. :-)
Now all I need is a basket...and a bell...and maybe some streamers. I need to pimp my bike out! (I did buy a tire pump, a cyclocomputer (aka pedometer), and an under the seat storage container).
And Dee, if you still read my blog - this is for you:
~BTW - I do not look like this on my bike!~
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