You can go read if you want, 1 Corinthians 12.
Nancy's take: we are specially made, with all our 2000 parts (remember the Lever commercials?), and each part services a role. My hands, my feet, my eyes, ears, nose - all equally important. My belly button, not so important today - but it was vital 36 years ago. Such is the body of Christ - each of us are a part. We are all special, we all have our own spiritual gifts. And through serving together, we strengthen the body. Very nice to think about.
I jotted down 'what are my spiritiual gifts and how am I using them?'
I also jotted down 'if you are not recognizing and applying your gifts, it is irresponsbile'
That, my friends, is powerful to me.
My gifts: I listen. I care. I look out for others. I nuture. I place high demands on myself to make others happy. I love. Those are all great qualities. (...is this turning in to a Nancy patting-herself-on-the-back fest?... I hope not!).
Am I using my gifts? Sadly, I don't think so. Not to the best of abilities. Not to cut myself any slack - but my guess is that only a small percentage of people do. And, then...even those have their not-so-perfect days.
Just being cognizant is a start.
I'll continue to work at it.
Because I WANT to.
I WANT to serve through my talents.
It will make me better and everyone around me.
I'm pretty incredible today, once I move to a new level of service - I will become aware of even more that I am capable of.
I pray for this - God, my promise is to serve with a whole heart. It will not always be easy. But with your guidance, all things are possible. Amen.
In due time, folks. Beauty will abound.

I need a polka-dot dress. :-)
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