It has grown a lot.
It has focused on the truly important things.
It has been broken and fixed...
Sometimes it feels empty; sometimes full...
I don't listen to the empty days - because they will change to fullness again.
I bask in the full days. is still missing something...more work to do!

One thing that does make my heart happy and full is friend Amy is adopting.
I'll lay out the facts.
Amy is beautiful - inside and out.
Amy is happy and fun and silly.
Amy is married with three beautifully perfect children.
Amy is a mommy, a wife, a daughter, a friend, and a co-worker.
Amy's heart is bigger and prettier than I can imagine.
(if heaven had a 'model heart' - it would be Amy's)
(except when she laughs at me during coffee time in the morning...but I can take it - and I kinda like it!)
Again, more blunt facts.
Amy's youngest has Downs Syndrome.
He is the picture of sweetness.
And, Amy and John's hearts grew when Ben arrived.
Now, they are growing again - through adoption...
Meet Mr. Cutie pie Davis:
Davis also has Downs.
And, he is so very loved by my friend Amy.
Amy's heart aches for him.
How could it not?
And, it will be a day of rejoicing when he comes home. the Jupin's in Alabama.
Davis Jupin.
Beautiful ring to it.
I pray little Davis is safe in your loving home and arms as soon as possible.
I thank God for knowing you Amy.
I have a spin on a quote for you....
- "A mind, stretched by a new idea, never goes back to its original dimensions." Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.
- I would like to counter...'a heart, stretched by a new love, never goes back to its original dimensions'...
...if you say 'like Stretch Armstrong, baby' - then high five to you!
...if you say no...look around :-)
A sappy love song with a most superb intro...make fun of me - 80s hair bands are still cool in my book!
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